Friday, October 26, 2007

days after exam = boringness

heh hiom...

needless to say,days after exam are soooooooo soooooooooo soooooooo boring! haihz..

some of the tcher ain't teaching anymore because ntg to teach except for the cover of the book,they didnt teach the cover of the book yet =DD

althought it's boring larh not studying(i don't mean studying is interesting k,i mean studying is interesting lah,but it isn't nteresting) haha dont wanan hurt the tchers feeling so studying is notinterestinginteresting. it's one word,long isnt it? it's copyrighted! today i and yee chiing walked to sukses,dedikasi and then to primary school and guess wht we saw?? AN INDIAN GIRL SITTING ALONE IN THE CLASS! no big deal. so both of us decided to play her lolx.

we say hello in a creepy way,but she didnt hear us! danggggg! she was busy looking at the scenery of primary school. so,we continued saying hello in a creepy way,and she heard us for like the third time! both of us quickly bend down so that she didnt see us. and we ran all the way to secondary school,again,back to our class! and then about few minutes later,we walked back to primary school again,we saw her scribbleing the blackboard and of course we,as the sisters, asked her not to scribble the blackboard in a creepy way also! (we did our job as elder sister by asking her not to scribble the blackboard,kind arent we? we also helped the tcher to save their chalk) and we ran all the way to secondary again. and it's recess time,finally! after suffering from boredom for few hours! during recess i told keilih about wht me and yeechiing did

me:guess wht i yeechiing and i did just now??
me:we went all the way to primary and played a girl by saying hello and warn her not to scribble the blackboard in a creepy way! hahahha
keilih:=.=' jiak par boh kang zho which means ntg better to do after makan,direct translation lah!
me:*laughs* fun lerh!

and then we headed to canteen to makan after yeechiing and xinrui came out from the toilet better word(washroom) hahahha!
ntg much happen during recess,is just that we ate food! obviously!

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